Wednesday, October 18, 2006


After coming back from Korea with my SAT 2 finished, I finally get some time to work on my Blog.
Wow, lots of things to do, and hardly where to start.

The basic structure was built months ago, and I have a general idea of what this is going to be like.
But, skeleton is not enough for a human body. I need the flesh! This part is harder than I thought.
I garthered information from different sourses, and began to translate them tonight. Translation seems difficult than writing my own ideas!

Also, while doing this job, I found out more about my city! There are great places I never knew before! This is really exciting and interesting, and I belive I have the passion to complish the task.

Worked 3 hours tonight. Going to take a shower and read The Story of Mankind, and go to sleep.

Life is Sweet.

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